A simple script for quick Postfix system email management.
Continue reading “Simple admin Postfix emails in bash”Category: Hosting
PHP APCU on Debian
apt install gcc make autoconf libc-dev pkg-config php-dev
pecl channel-update pecl.php.net
pecl install apcu
You should add “extension=apcu.so” to php.ini
or try:
echo "extension=apcu.so" >> `php --ini | grep "Loaded Configuration" | sed -e "s|.*:\s*||"`
Fixing postfix and saslauthd: cannot connect to saslauthd
If you are having issues getting postfix email server to authenticate with saslauthd, your solution might be found in a missing symlink. Remember that postifx runs in a chroot environment. Continue reading “Fixing postfix and saslauthd: cannot connect to saslauthd”
XenServer problem sa zaglavljenom mašinom
U novoj verziji XenServer-a (7.x) može se desiti da dođe do problema sa kernelom na nekim virtualnim mašinama. Continue reading “XenServer problem sa zaglavljenom mašinom”
Let’s Encrypt – open source SSL – enkripcija za DŽ
Internet prezentacije postaju sve više interaktivnije. Nekada su to bile fiksne strane, informativnog karaktera, sada sajtovi traže više akcija od strane korisnika. Neminovnost je da korisničke podatke treba zaštitii, a jedan od načina je upotreba SSL sertifikata. Continue reading “Let’s Encrypt – open source SSL – enkripcija za DŽ”
php5.6, php7 on ubuntu14 via phpbrew
Installation procedure for php5.6 (officel release) and php7 (alpha) on Ubuntu 14.04, via
phpbrew package. Continue reading “php5.6, php7 on ubuntu14 via phpbrew”
Ubuntu 14.04 – ProFTPd stop unexpectly
Here’s a workaround solution thanks to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/proftpd-dfsg/+bug
The problem is due to ProFTPD not stopping in time to be restarted. Continue reading “Ubuntu 14.04 – ProFTPd stop unexpectly”
Scanning for malware with Linux Malware Detect (LMD)
Linux Malware Detect (LMD), also known as Maldet, is a malware scanner for Linux released under the GNU GPLv2 license. It is particularly effective for the detection of php backdoors, darkmailers and many other malicious files that can be uploaded on a compromised website. It will help you do detect infected websites and clean the infection, however securing the compromised user or website is still necessary to avoid re-infection. Continue reading “Scanning for malware with Linux Malware Detect (LMD)”
HowTo: Save A File In Vim / Vi Without Root Permission
This happens lot of times. I login as a normal user and start to edit httpd.conf or lighttpd.conf or named.conf in vim / vi text editor. However, I’m not able to save changes due to permission issue (all config files are owned by root). How do I save file without creating a temporary file (/tmp/httpd.conf) and then move the same (mv /tmp/httpd.conf /etc/httpd) as root using vim / vi itself? Continue reading “HowTo: Save A File In Vim / Vi Without Root Permission”
Apache 2.4 modifikacije
Nedavno su distribuije Linux-a ugradile i novu verziju Apache servera.