Install PHP 5.4 as standalone

PHP 5.4 is not packaged on most Linux distributions so it may be easiest to install it from source. On Debian-based Linux systems, you can use the following commands to install PHP 5.4 in such a way that it won’t effect any other versions of PHP that you may have installed: Continue reading “Install PHP 5.4 as standalone”

How To Install nginx on Ubuntu / Virtualmin

Nginx is a lightweight webserver that supports most of the functionality of Apache, but is faster and uses less memory. It is suited to websites that have a large amount of static content, or virtual machines with limited memory. For more information, see

Continue reading “How To Install nginx on Ubuntu / Virtualmin”

10 korisnih Linux komandi (po mom izboru)

Često naiđem na listu 10 korisnih linux komandi (npr Teško je izdvojiti koje su zapravo najkorisnije, ali mora se priznati da su članci korisni.

Nekada, kada se radilo pretežno sa terminalima, najčešće se koristi drugačiji set komandi. Continue reading “10 korisnih Linux komandi (po mom izboru)”

Da li se (i kome) isplati preprodaja (nacionalnih) domena?

Prvi avgust bio je važan datum za kompanije JAT Airways i Etihad: predstavljen je novi naziv kompanije JAT – Air Serbia, kao i vizuelni identitet. Osvrnuli smo se odmah na veb adresu koju će kompanija koristiti, i činjenicu da nacionalni avio prevoznik, po svemu sudeći, nema i nacionalni domen. Adresa je zauzeta još od 2008. godine, a u međuvremenu od četvrtka do sada je neko kupio i No, koja prava ima ova, i svaka druga domaća kompanija, u vezi sa nazivom svoje firme i posedovanjem odgovarajućih domena?

air-serbia-cover-700x325 Continue reading “Da li se (i kome) isplati preprodaja (nacionalnih) domena?”

Free Public DNS

Public DNS service is a free, global Domain Name System (DNS) resolution service that everyone in the world can can use as an alternative to his/her current DNS provider. It can be used in any TCP/IP stack equipped network appliances, tablets computers, desktop PC or smartphones. Once the free DNS service applied to the internet devices, all client programs running in the devices will perform all DNS lookups using the new Public DNS for a faster, accurate, secure and smooth web browsing experience. Continue reading “Free Public DNS”

PHP sada ima ugrađeni veb server

Dočekali smo i PHP verziju 5.4.0.

New features in PHP

  • Improvements in memory management and performance.
  • Traits – A new mechanism for code reuse. It reduces the limitations of single inheritance.
  • Shortened Array syntax. Now use [...] instead of array(...) to create arrays.
  • Magic Quotes have been deprecated and entirely removed in PHP 5.4.0. Other language features that have been given the boot are safe mode, break / continue, and $var syntax.
  • WordPress, Drupal, and every other PHP based websites will run faster when they start using PHP 5.4.0.
  • Built-in Web server – PHP 5.4.0 now bundles its own web server which can be used for testing purpose. So you don’t need to install Apache web server to learn PHP/develop a website any more.
  • New version of Zend Framework.


Kopiranje VPN konekcije Windows 7

Ukoliko imate potrebu da kopirate VPN konekcije sa računara na računar, postojeće konekcije ćete naći u fajlu:


Fajl je običan tekst koji se može editovati. Struktura je ista kao i kod prethodnih verzija vindouza, samo što je lokacija fajla promenjena.

Ukoliko koristite XP ova lokacija je:

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Network\Connections\Pbk\rasphone.pbk