A simple script for quick Postfix system email management.
Continue reading “Simple admin Postfix emails in bash”Category: Internet
How to Install the latest OpenSSL version from Source on Linux (Debian)
In this tutorial, I will show you step by step how to install the latest stable OpenSSL version from source on Debian servers.
Continue reading “How to Install the latest OpenSSL version from Source on Linux (Debian)”Fixing postfix and saslauthd: cannot connect to saslauthd
If you are having issues getting postfix email server to authenticate with saslauthd, your solution might be found in a missing symlink. Remember that postifx runs in a chroot environment. Continue reading “Fixing postfix and saslauthd: cannot connect to saslauthd”
Let’s Encrypt – open source SSL – enkripcija za DŽ
Internet prezentacije postaju sve više interaktivnije. Nekada su to bile fiksne strane, informativnog karaktera, sada sajtovi traže više akcija od strane korisnika. Neminovnost je da korisničke podatke treba zaštitii, a jedan od načina je upotreba SSL sertifikata. Continue reading “Let’s Encrypt – open source SSL – enkripcija za DŽ”
php5.6, php7 on ubuntu14 via phpbrew
Installation procedure for php5.6 (officel release) and php7 (alpha) on Ubuntu 14.04, via
phpbrew package. Continue reading “php5.6, php7 on ubuntu14 via phpbrew”
Scanning for malware with Linux Malware Detect (LMD)
Linux Malware Detect (LMD), also known as Maldet, is a malware scanner for Linux released under the GNU GPLv2 license. It is particularly effective for the detection of php backdoors, darkmailers and many other malicious files that can be uploaded on a compromised website. It will help you do detect infected websites and clean the infection, however securing the compromised user or website is still necessary to avoid re-infection. Continue reading “Scanning for malware with Linux Malware Detect (LMD)”
Apache 2.4 modifikacije
Nedavno su distribuije Linux-a ugradile i novu verziju Apache servera.
10 korisnih Linux komandi (po mom izboru)
Često naiđem na listu 10 korisnih linux komandi (npr http://itstuffallaround.blogspot.com/2013/10/useful-linux-commands.html). Teško je izdvojiti koje su zapravo najkorisnije, ali mora se priznati da su članci korisni.
Nekada, kada se radilo pretežno sa terminalima, najčešće se koristi drugačiji set komandi. Continue reading “10 korisnih Linux komandi (po mom izboru)”
Da li se (i kome) isplati preprodaja (nacionalnih) domena?
Prvi avgust bio je važan datum za kompanije JAT Airways i Etihad: predstavljen je novi naziv kompanije JAT – Air Serbia, kao i vizuelni identitet. Osvrnuli smo se odmah na veb adresu koju će kompanija koristiti, i činjenicu da nacionalni avio prevoznik, po svemu sudeći, nema i nacionalni domen. Adresa airserbia.rs je zauzeta još od 2008. godine, a u međuvremenu od četvrtka do sada je neko kupio i air-serbia.rs. No, koja prava ima ova, i svaka druga domaća kompanija, u vezi sa nazivom svoje firme i posedovanjem odgovarajućih domena?
Continue reading “Da li se (i kome) isplati preprodaja (nacionalnih) domena?”
Install Nemo File Manager in Ubuntu 13.04 Raring/12.10 Quantal
Nemo is a complete fork of Nautilus and its goal is to extend the Cinnamon user experience to desktop and file management. Nemo has features like: compact view, all desktop icons, etc.. which are missing in Nautilus 3.6 version, Open in terminal and open as root, File operation progress while copy/move files shows percentage and details, Has nice GTK bookmarks management, up/forward/back and refresh buttons, Nice proper status bar, better search, better widgets and many more.
Continue reading “Install Nemo File Manager in Ubuntu 13.04 Raring/12.10 Quantal”