Nedavno su distribuije Linux-a ugradile i novu verziju Apache servera.
Category: Linux
Install PHP 5.4 as standalone
PHP 5.4 is not packaged on most Linux distributions so it may be easiest to install it from source. On Debian-based Linux systems, you can use the following commands to install PHP 5.4 in such a way that it won’t effect any other versions of PHP that you may have installed: Continue reading “Install PHP 5.4 as standalone”
How To Install nginx on Ubuntu / Virtualmin
Nginx is a lightweight webserver that supports most of the functionality of Apache, but is faster and uses less memory. It is suited to websites that have a large amount of static content, or virtual machines with limited memory. For more information, see
Continue reading “How To Install nginx on Ubuntu / Virtualmin”
Create swap partition on Ubuntu
To create a swap partition after an Ubuntu installation create an empty partition that should have no holes. Continue reading “Create swap partition on Ubuntu”
Installing Ubuntu 12.04 LTS on a XenServer VM
The following steps can be taken to install Ubuntu 12.04 LTS on a VM running on XenServer 6.
10 korisnih Linux komandi (po mom izboru)
Često naiđem na listu 10 korisnih linux komandi (npr Teško je izdvojiti koje su zapravo najkorisnije, ali mora se priznati da su članci korisni.
Nekada, kada se radilo pretežno sa terminalima, najčešće se koristi drugačiji set komandi. Continue reading “10 korisnih Linux komandi (po mom izboru)”
Install Nemo File Manager in Ubuntu 13.04 Raring/12.10 Quantal
Nemo is a complete fork of Nautilus and its goal is to extend the Cinnamon user experience to desktop and file management. Nemo has features like: compact view, all desktop icons, etc.. which are missing in Nautilus 3.6 version, Open in terminal and open as root, File operation progress while copy/move files shows percentage and details, Has nice GTK bookmarks management, up/forward/back and refresh buttons, Nice proper status bar, better search, better widgets and many more.
Continue reading “Install Nemo File Manager in Ubuntu 13.04 Raring/12.10 Quantal”
Testiranje swap-a na USB-u
Poznajemo performanse računara, ali i USB-a u verziji 2. Ne očekujem da će se nešto revolucionarno desiti, posebno što koristim 4GB memorije, a sistem ponekad tek ponekad pređe 3gb, ali hajde da probamo.
Za početak postavimo konfiguraciju:
If you don’t have time to change an existing system, than at least, make sure that you use a USB stick for your swap space. It increases performance because
- swap is on a different device. It does not block the access to your harddisk to operate.
- swap performance is much faster on USB stick. Continue reading “Testiranje swap-a na USB-u”
Configure linux for windows users
0 Install general software for linux ubuntu
1 Theme Windows 7
Download Here
Extract and execute
$ ./
2 Software
- Install Office 2007 with CrossOver
- Nero 4 For linux
- Adobe reader
- Skype
- Google chrome
- Ares for linux
- Fireworks CS3
3 Enable windows button
Press ALT+F2
gconftool-2 –set /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/panel_main_menu –type string “Super_L”
Now you can lauch the main menu with the windows button
If you really miss windows install a virus XD. After all this configurations your linux will be like this:
Problem sa nedostajućim “apache parent” procesom
Ukoliko dobijate status da apači server nije startovan, a start ne uspeva jer:
apache port 80 already in use
problem je zbog nepostojećeg osnovnog-roditeljskog (parent) procesa apači servera. U slučaju problema sa konfigurisanjem servera (najverovatnije zbog memorije) prvo će pući osnovni proces, a zatim jedan po jedan i ostali (child) procesi sve do momenta kada ne ostane ni jedan. Napomena – tekst se odnosi na linuks servere, tako da eliminišemo desktop probleme tipa: skajp je zauzeo port 80 i slično.
Continue reading “Problem sa nedostajućim “apache parent” procesom”