PHP sada ima ugrađeni veb server

Dočekali smo i PHP verziju 5.4.0.

New features in PHP

  • Improvements in memory management and performance.
  • Traits – A new mechanism for code reuse. It reduces the limitations of single inheritance.
  • Shortened Array syntax. Now use [...] instead of array(...) to create arrays.
  • Magic Quotes have been deprecated and entirely removed in PHP 5.4.0. Other language features that have been given the boot are safe mode, break / continue, and $var syntax.
  • WordPress, Drupal, and every other PHP based websites will run faster when they start using PHP 5.4.0.
  • Built-in Web server – PHP 5.4.0 now bundles its own web server which can be used for testing purpose. So you don’t need to install Apache web server to learn PHP/develop a website any more.
  • New version of Zend Framework.


Linux Kernel 3.0 is out (with KVM and Xen included)

Last week, Linux kernel father Linus Torvalds announced the release of version 3.0 of the Linux Kernel. This release does not introduce any binary incompatibility neither major changes. already covered the 3.0 release with regards to the integration of both KVM and Xen in the mainline tree of the kernel sources.


For Xen, this release means no more patches to the Linux kernel in order to make Linux virtual machines run as guests. In fact, Xen is a Type-1 hypervisor, so hosted operating systems need to have proper support built-in to run smoothly on virtualized hardware. Until now, a substantial Linux kernel patch had to be applied in order to add this support in the linux guest.

KVM, instead, is a Type-2 hypervisor, which runs itself on top of and operating system.

A full list of Xen related changes in the Linux kernel can be found here on the Xen wiki.

Configure linux for windows users

0 Install general software for linux ubuntu


1 Theme Windows 7

Download Here

Extract and execute

$ ./


2 Software

3 Enable windows button

Press ALT+F2

gconftool-2 –set /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/panel_main_menu –type string “Super_L”

Now you can lauch the main menu with the windows button


If you really miss windows install a virus XD. After all this configurations your linux will be like this:

windows linux


XenServer – Adding a local Iso Storage

Login to your Xenserver with ssh and create a iso folder

mkdir -p /var/opt/xen/iso_import

Then, create the ISO store like this

xe sr-create name-label=”Local ISO” type=iso device-config:location=/var/opt/xen/iso_import/ device-config:legacy_mode=true content-type=iso

If You want to install Debian Lenny, as defined VM, maybe is better to use Remote URL: